What has happened in Sept 2022?
Spotify have shut down their music streaming library for 3rd party developers like us and replaced it with a "remote control" type library. Unfortunately this means that apps like Jukestar will no longer work...
What does it mean?
For six years, each week 1,000s of Jukestar guests at 100s of parties around the world have taken control of the music and had an awesome time. Many of these party guests have been introduced to Spotify through Jukestar over the years, with some likely signing up for Spotify Premium (although we don't have stats on how many, as there is no referral or affiliate program).
Why is this a problem?
From a technical perspective, since the Jukestar app is no longer actually playing the music, I have not found a reliable way to keep the app from being killed in the background by the Android/iOS operating systems. This means the core Jukestar functionality of controlling the Spotify song queue in real-time is no longer possible. The new App Remote SDK also has had a range of issues reported by other developers on GitHub that unfortunately have received very limited attention to date.
Can it be fixed?
Best case: a full rewrite of the app that still allows running in the background.
Worst case: Jukestar will be dead 😢
How can I help?
In the meantime, if you'd like to voice your support for third party developers like us, here are a few forums that Spotify monitor:
- https://community.spotify.com/t5/Spotify-for-Developers/Please-reconsider-shutting-down-iOS-Android-streaming-SDKs/m-p/5426757
- https://community.spotify.com/t5/Spotify-for-Developers/Please-continue-supporting-iOS-Android-streaming-SDKs/td-p/5416477
- https://community.spotify.com/t5/Spotify-for-Developers/Access-to-iOS-Android-streaming-SDKs/td-p/5407784
- https://www.reddit.com/r/truespotify/comments/w5zc28/spotify_is_killing_integration_with_3rd_party/
Thank you for your patience and for supporting my labour of love.
James Litjens
Get the party started.
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