
Tokens won’t cause an issue, and we’ll explain why

Jukestar tokens are designed to let guests dive right in for free

More than 95% of parties are completely free

We have carefully designed the token system so that guests can participate without having to pay for tokens. In fact, more than 95% of Jukestar parties run without guests paying. In most cases, guests have only paid when they want to make a special type of request.

The song queue will fill up quickly

In a party where 10 party guests are actively requesting, you’ll already have 2hrs of music queued in the first 15 minutes, all using free tokens (since we’re also math nerds, our calculations are below 🤓.

Plenty of free tokens for voting

Then it will come down to voting, which is better for guests to do periodically through out the night. Every 15 mins a single guest earns enough free tokens to either:

  • Request 3 songs
  • Vote for 7 songs
  • Or a combination of the above

We let guests know when they’ve hit the max free token limit so they can request/vote and continue earning free tokens. This also saves them frequently checking their phones.

Tokens encourage periodic participation in the party, so guests continue to influence the music throughout the night, rather than one one mass rush of requests and votes at the beginning of the night. As the night continues new requests will come in, the vibe of the party will build and your guests’ ongoing votes will make sure the music is on point - all for free.

Here’s our calculation:

  • 10 guests each request 3 songs = 30 song requests
  • The average song length is 4 minutes, therefore 30 songs * 4 mins = 120 mins (2 hours)
  • By the way: These 10 guests still have free tokens left over to cast votes against these 30 songs.

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